Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Work In Progress (Better Late Than Never)

Sophi & Ryan checking in!
This is actually Monday's update, but we forgot to write on this due to our obsessive immersion in photography (a.k.a. working our butts off), so here goes.
After having our individual weekly meetings with Nichole and Jessica, we toiled hour upon hour, eyes super-glued to computer monitors, striving to achieve portraiture excellence.
After what seemed like an eternity in the digilab, T.A.'s Sophie and Lauren presented their work. Sophie's work was centered around air travel and people in transition. Lauren's work ranged from portraits of herself, family and friends. From there, she discovered her passion for art therapy and her work became more of a gateway to self discovery and deeper meaning rather than standard observation.
Then NYU graduate, Rian Dundon, came in to present the class with his photographs of a bar in Queens and his unique and unfamiliar insider's view of rebellious teenage culture in rural China. He explained how photography is more about connecting with your subject(s), surroundings, and vibe rather than becoming overly attentive to the technicalities. Rian was really down to earth and his edgy style gave us a different outlook on Chinese culture diverging from all the stereotypes we are accustomed to.
As the day ended, we strolled around east village, and then rushed to the dorms. We were overjoyed when we realized we still had a lovely reading assignment. The end.
---Soph and Ry

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