Monday, August 4, 2008

Who Ate the Oreos?

We barely saw sunshine today as we labored in the darkroom, our eyes glued to the computer screens from 9:45 a.m. to 9:45 p.m. (with breaks for food, of course).  The final show is coming closer every minute and everyone's feeling the constant pressure.  Today at Monday morning check-in we wrote about our goals and drafted our artist statements.  It got everyone thinking about what they want to say through their work.  We all wrote short biographies and once again my (Maddie) hometown was forgotten.  Pennsylvania? New York? Nope. Arlington, Virginia.  
After an hour of free-writing we moved into individual meetings with Jess and Nichole. Each person stumbled down the hallway to the library, prints flying in every direction. The hours rolled by as the hum of the printers hypnotized us into a trance. As lunch approached we dragged ourselves like zombies to the dinning hall for a 60 minute break, knowing we would soon return to the lab for another grueling 3 hours. 
At 4:30 we were all happy to escape the digital lab/darkroom to watch a presentation of our T.A., Katie Klein's, work. After enjoying some great artwork and Weinstein's delicious food, we reluctantly headed back to the lab to finish off the long...long...longgggg day. Our tans are fading as fast as our patience! Time to catch some z's, hit the hay, and get our beauty rest. So long for now,

Jamie and Maddie

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