Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Central Park!

"That Monkey was in...New Jersey" - S. Plachy

We are currently on day #3 of our fabulous summer program, and had the absolute pleasure of hearing Sylvia Plachy today. Plachy came to New York as a teenager with her family from Hungary. She began photographing after art school, and "caught the bug [of looking for pictures]". She has had a great career photographing for the Village Voice and the New Yorker, among others. Besides photographing, she has also written for these publications. Her writing is wonderful and she has made a point of finding the mystery of things in both writing and photographing. In response to Plachy and her sense of place, the students have gone out "looking for pictures" in Central Park and the surrounding area. How very exciting!

over and out & forever yours,
Sophie L. (teaching assistant to get this blog rolling)