Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dilemma in the Darkroom

Some people believe that the darkroom would be easy to use but for many the process has been problematic. A majority of students have experienced the darkroom before, however those new to the chemicals and technology have been frustrated for the past lab days. Along with the new comers to the darkroom, all students have been frustrated trying to make their work perfecto. Everyone tonight was trying to complete their 5 work prints, 5 final prints, a 16 x 20 and postcard, all requirements due early tomorrow morning. It was a hectic night and motivation seemed to be running through our veins to complete our projects on time. Our place assignment was created through field trips to Ellis Island, DIA Beacon, West Village, MOMA, Bryant Park, ICP, Times Square, B&H, Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero, Central Park, and Chinatown. After lab last night, we all greatly appreciated our free time. Our gracious PA's Sam & Travis let us use their Wii to play Wii Sport and Guitar Hero. Many of us discovered that Liz and Harry are awesome at Guitar Hero and Dylan, the more quiet one, beat all of his fellow peers at Wii tennis.
Although we have been living together for over a week, which feels like an eternity, there is still plenty to learn about each other.

For Now,

(Pictures coming soon)